
(39 customer reviews)

$59.00$259.00 - or subscribe and save up to 20%

BrainGlow is a very special formulation that is intended to support cognitive health and nourish the brain. The compounds found in BrainGlow can potentially improve circulation and
oxygenation to the brain, potentially enhancing mental focus, clarity, and energy. Unlike stimulants, BrainGlow does not stress the adrenal system or cause energy crashes. It is designed for prevention, making it suitable to start at any age.

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GINKGO BILOBA is well-studied for its potential to improve circulation, particularly to the brain. This, combined with its high antioxidant content can result in improved cognitive function.

PERIWINKLE can boost circulation to the brain and is thought to improve the brain’s ability to utilize nutrients and oxygen.

WATER HYSSOP is celebrated for its potential to improve memory and cognitive processing, making it easier to learn new information. It is also thought to have antioxidant properties that can protect the brain from oxidative stress.

ASHWAGANDHA is a well known adaptogen with the potential to balance the body’s stress response and benefit mood. It might also enhance brain function by protecting nerve cells from the damage of free radicals.

GOTU KOLA is believed to improve mental clarity and enhance memory. It might also help with age-related cognitive decline by improving blood circulation and reducing oxidative stress in the brain.

CHINESE GINSENG potential to improve mental energy, reduce fatigue, and enhance cognitive performance. It’s also believed to have neuroprotective properties.

SCHIZANDRA BERRY is used in traditional Chinese medicine to enhance concentration, memory, and alertness. It’s also thought to have adaptogenic properties that help the body resist the effects of stress and fatigue.

SKULLCAP is considered to have calming, uplifting effects and the potential to reduce anxiety. Some studies suggest that it has neuroprotective properties that could help in the treatment and prevention of neurological disorders.

Consistent use over 2-3 months is recommended to fully experience the benefits of BrainGlow. This blend of eight organic herbs is intended to enhance brain function naturally.

Suggested dose: 2-4 capsules per day with meals.
You can take half the dose in the morning and the other half in the afternoon or you can take them both at the same time, either morning and/or afternoon. Try both ways and see what works for you.

Extra tip: If you are experiencing brain fog or the signs of memory loss consider taking 2 capsules twice a day or 25 drops of the liquid twice a day for the first 30 days.

Contains: Ginkgo Biloba, periwinkle, water hyssop, ashwagandha, gotu kola, Chinese Ginseng, schizandra berry and skullcap. Packed with love in organic, tapioca veggie caps. 60 count per bottle.

Not suggested during pregnancy.

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs.

The following reviews are the personal experiences and opinions of the people who wrote them.  They have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to prevent, treat, diagnose or cure any disease.

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Weight .5 oz
















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5 out of 5 stars

39 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Best ever for avoiding cognitive decline in aging

    Carla Lockwood

    In my 70s, soon to be 80, I was having gaps in memory, forgetting names, having trouble finding the right words. Enter Brainglow! Regular use has restored my memory and kept my brain sharp. I admit I was cautious about the price, but I soon found out it was so worth it! Now I make sure to take it daily, and I have subscribed so I don’t run out. I even have added a subscription for my life-long friend who was losing her cognitive abilities but is on a very limited income. I can’t imagine a better product for keeping your mind sharp.

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  2. Obsessed with this!

    Jesscy Dean

    This product makes me feel like a pure genius. And like all Barlow Herbal products, I’m always certain of the quality and love blended in every batch. I can’t go without it!

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    Tami Jo

    I have never been a morning person and usually enjoy a cup of coffee in the mornings to perk me up. Was looking for something milder to get me going and BrainGlow was the answer! The tincture in a glass of water first thing in the morning sets the stage for the rest of my day. My work day flows more effortlessly with a better attention span and focus. Thank you, Jane, for another wonderful formula that I will continue to use, along with many others that you and your father so lovingly developed for our well-being.

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  4. Top of the line


    Wonderful product to get you firing on all cylinders again.

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  5. Increased Focus and Energy

    Nic Fitzgerald

    I love BrainGlow! I have a very scattered ADHD brain, and this stuff has helped me be able to focus and get things done when I’m easily distracted. I also noticed an increased energy and didn’t have my afternoon “lull”. This stuff is awesome, and has been super helpful for me while I run my business from my home office with kids, and a large window to distract me. Totally recommend it!

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  6. Best remedy!


    My grandson, age 19 loves your Brainglow. Helps him focus in college. Best remedy we have found so far!!!


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  7. I have complete faith in the quality of Barlow’s products.

    Carla Lockwood

    A nurse friend recommended your BrainGlow formula for myself and my best friend to help with the decline in brain function we are experiencing due to our age (both 79), and the lingering effects of Long Covid. We were, frankly, taken aback by the cost, so we looked for a similar product elsewhere that was comparable and cost less. We could find none that had the combination of herbs we wanted with the guarantee of quality that Barlow offers. So I ordered the three pack and we will share.

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  8. Beautiful healing product

    Cheryl L.

    I love this formula ❤️ I truly notice when I miss a day’s morning dose. My focus and attention is definitely different and I’m definitely more productive. Thanks Jane for yet another beautiful healing product. I do prefer my tincture cocktail in the morning over a million capsules 💕

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  9. Love the liquid BrainGlow

    Phil Hardy

    Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ Barlow Herbal for another round of Brain Glow in liquid form this time, and for another Glowing Vitality Bergamot and the GV ‘Gold’ with Black Cumin Seed oil, Frankincense & Lime Peel Essential oils! These are AMAZING products! I love the Pfaffia – Suma Root as part of my workout and vitality supplement base, and the Prostata for prostate and overall health! And of course LDM-100 and East Star for bolstering immunity and anti-viral protection. I’m also trying the mood and energy tincture this time around as well!
    Love your products and the health they enhance and provide!!

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  10. A nice surprise


    Loving the reduced Brainglow tincture, I can find just the right amount for my body and with reduced alcohol, nice surprise.

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  11. My favorite by far

    Rob C.

    The brainglow is BY FAR my fav. Seriously…..I wake up more alert/energy than ever and my dreams are UNBELIEVABLE!!

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  12. Not yet

    Johnna Davis

    I started a new regimen in which brain glow was one of the products. I have been feeling somewhat better but, today I completely forgot a job at a wedding reception that I was to do. Just now I can’t think of the word I wanted to use to tell of the “Instruction” of the job I was to do! I have been taking this for 3 weeks and am wondering how long it takes to see results. I haven’t written it off yet!

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  13. Long time memory boost!

    Dee H.

    It really does help. Yesterday I was searching to remember the name of a screw & bolt supply company in a nearby city. Had not been there for at least 25 years. The name came to me! I’m sure it was because of your product.

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  14. BrainGlow is AMAZING!!!!


    I want you to know that I absolutely LOVE the BrainGlow!!!!! I have great long term memory anyway (I’m 65) but the short term memory I feel has been greatly improved by using your BrainGlow product. So many products of this type take awhile to work but I noticed the effectiveness of this I just a few days so thank you very much for helping me with that!!!
    Thank you for providing such quality products we can trust.

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  15. No more brain fog!


    This product is amazing!
    I have been taking BrainGlow from the beginning and right away I felt my mind become more clear and I haven’t felt brain fog since I started taking it.

    I make it a point to never miss my daily dose of BrainGlow knowing the benefits of keeping my mind active and sharp by taking it consistently.

    It’s easy to take, sits right by my toothbrush and first thing in the morning I take my BrainGlow to start my day right.

    Throughout the day I mentally feel great with a busy day at work and then running around with my two active teenagers, I don’t miss a beat.

    Thank you so much for creating this wonderful product!

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  16. Brain Glow benefits

    kelly bowen

    I have been a long time user of tinctures from Barlow Herbal. I started using Brain glow a year ago. At the time I thought my brain was working just fine. As I began to use the product I noticed that my attention and ability to concentrate was getting better. Awesome I thought. So, I continued to use the product. Then I began to notice how much quicker my brain was firing off and how much easier it was to find words and the words I was finding were the smart ones I had learned and always wanted to use in conversation. it really seemed as though my mind was working better, faster and more effeciently and I really do feel smarter.
    The changes are really apparent if you can make a conscious assessment of where you are and how your mind is working prior to starting Brain Glow. Then, as time goes on allow yourself to self evaluate reflect back on the last few days for instance and think about how well your brain is working and how the fog is lifting. How much better you function under pressure and are able to juggle things better.
    I totally believe in this product and its ability to increase my brain function, its really fun to feel my thoughts flowing freely!

    Thank you Jane for this amazing product!

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  17. Brainglow is amazing for ADD!!!


    I can not say enough good things about this product. After trying many different natural things over the years, I started my 15 year old son on brainglow to see if it would help him focus better in school. I have never wanted to use medicine so I was so excited when I learned about Barlow Herbal’s natural products. He noticed a big difference after about two weeks of taking brainglow. He is able to focus for longer periods of time and I have noticed that he isn’t as forgetful. Before brainglow, it would take my son hours to do his homework. Now he sits down and completes his assignments quickly. We can actually tell the difference if he forgets to take one tablet. My son is very bright but has never been able to reach his fullest potential because of his focusing issues. I am praying this will change things for him! Thank you so much Jane for sharing your quality products with us! It is very obvious that you are passionate about what you do and I am so grateful for people like you. Thank you for inspiring me to move further in my quest to get my entire family healthy!!

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  18. Brainglow Shines Brilliantly

    Lawrence Yundt

    High impact rearended auto collision brought moderate concussion and brain fog, some loss of coordination and moments of anxiety. After a month on Barlow’s Brainglow I’ve returned to my astute happy fun to be with self. Placing another request, as I prepare for a major NASM personal trainer exam. I turn 71 and welcome this new career opportunity! Thank you Jane Barlow for bringing forth your father’s gifts and expanding upon that which he began

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  19. No more brain fog

    Teresa H Gonzalez

    After only one week of taking BrainGlow I could tell the brain fog was lifting. After a month I noticed I was able to remember names better. I’ve been taking it for two months and I’m never gonna stop taking it. Even my eyesight has changed for the better. Love it!

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  20. BrainGlow

    jackie waggoner

    I start every day with BrainGlow. I have increased focus and energy. No more brain fog. I have purchased 2 bottles and will continue to use. I especially notice an improvement in focus when I travel.

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  21. Better than ever...

    Rachel H

    I love BrainGlow. After 3 babies and 10 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I was very concerned that I was losing my “brian power” all together. The fog was thick to say the least. The thought of going back to school was very daunting. After only a few days of BrainGlow I was feeling clearer and more energy then I think I have ever felt! The anxiousness of going back to school lifted and I was feeling much more confident in myself in general. I even read a book, remembered what I read, and finished it (mostly)! Thank you for such a wonderful product! Life-changer!!

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  22. Clear Minded Instead Of Impaired

    Jackie Keppinger

    I have Biotoxin illness which started with mold exposure about five years ago. I was not aware of how sick I was until two years ago when my body and health crashed, and when I say crashed I mean not being able to function in a normal way what so ever. My most severe and debilitating symptom was my brain impairment. I literately would feel impaired, so much so that I could not drive, think, or see straight. I have only been using this product for two weeks now but I do see an improvement. I am definitely going to keep buying this product because it has given me the most noticeable results as of late. I have been searching for a long time with doctors care and on my own for things to help me on my journey to recovery. This is one of the most beneficial products that I have come across that is working in such a short amount of time. I can only imagine that with continued use I will once again have my mind back!

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  23. My response time went from slug to ninja

    Diana Diaz

    I bought Brainglow because I wanted to be able to multitask without freaking out. After about a week, I already felt much more mentally focused, so I was already sold.

    Then… one day I was chatting with my mother in the kitchen. She lost her grip on her glass AND I CAUGHT I BEFORE IT HIT THE FLOOR. I have never been that person, and suddenly, I was catching stuff and avoiding spills left and right, literally catching a pitcher midway into a tilt.

    I am sold.

    My mind and body have ne et been in harmony like this and at 51 years old, it’s thrilling.

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  24. Hyper productivity!

    Benjamin Hardy

    I’m a professional writer and psychologist. My job is to focus like a beast. I need to wake up and get my brain activated so I can write in a flow state. I’ve been using BrainGlow for the past two years, religiously. It’s my go-to product. In fact, I wrote about it on INC. MAGAZINE!

    I try not to over-consume caffeine, but I want to be intensely productive. I’ve used caffeine for years, and it was when I started using BrainGlow that I was able to wean my caffeine usage to more healthy levels. My brain function is better, my writing is better, and my learning is better.

    Get this product if you want to be productive and not be addicted to stimulants.

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  25. Truly Works

    Deborah V

    I’ve had “brain fog for years now due to Hashimoto’s!!! I ordered Brain Glow but put it in the cabinet and got busy and forgot about it. I found it a month later and started taking it and within a week I could tell a difference in my mental clarity!!! I’m on my second bottle now and the”fog and mental clarity” has improved!!! I’m hooked for life!

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  26. concussion

    kristhiana noel

    I sustained a severe concussion in an auto accident in 1986. Took 5 yrs to get to where it was as good as it was going to get. Remained foggy among other things, but got through life. Have had 3 concussions since then, one helping a friend move storage and put up an industrial steel shelving unit, like Costco, and the one side got loose and landed on my head. Didn’t even see it coming. Then one while packing to move when a very heavy industrial light fell on me, another just a yr ago in an incident with a tree limb springing up and whanging me on the left side of the head as I dismantled it (same basic spot). The doctor was amazed that with such a blow, there was no bleed. My balance has been way off since ’86, but the vertigo really came back with that last one. I began taking brain glow recently, probably 3 months or so now, and I noticed a huge difference right away! The fog had lifted, I could make decisions much easier and more quickly, I “see” things more quickly. I feel “in alignment” so to speak. Answers are right there with no struggle. Things just work together in a much enhanced way! Life is very different and I am soooo grateful! I would not be without this supplement!

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  27. Love this!


    I’ve been taking BrainGlow daily for well over a year and have recommended it to my family and friends. In fact, a good friend was moving to Africa and was feeling so stressed and forgetful. My gift to her was a year’s supply of BrainGlow!

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  28. Brain Fog

    Steph D. <><

    For me, it helps me settle down and focus and have more mental clarity and for my husband, it keeps his mind sharp for the extreme focus he requires with his job! It’a a no brainer, lol!!

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  29. Amazing for concussion

    Ali Anderson

    I am such a fan of Barlow herbal skincare and lomatium blends, but I had never tried Brain glow until recently. I was traveling and hit my head on a friend’s dining room table (depth perception issue I suppose!). I suffered a concussion from this hard blow. She gave me her bottle of brain glow and holy moly! I felt so much better within 3 days. This is my 3rd concussion as an adult and this is the quickest I have ever recovered.

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  30. Daily user for 2 years

    Sara Griffith

    I am a 40 year old mother of 4. After my 4th, I had multiple health problems and organ systems wanting to fail. Supplements from Barlow Herbal have been a vital, daily part of my healing. I am super sensitive to most everything and have never had a problem with any of their herbs. Before starting Brainglow, I researched each herb. I found each was not only beneficial to my brain but also to my liver, and in reducing levels of the bad estrogen that I was trying to reduce. I am completely satisfied with this product and after 2 years, continue to use it daily.

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  31. Fog is gone!


    I have only been taking this supplement for one week now, however, I cannot tell you the difference it has made! I suffer from Hashimoto’s and constant brain fog, I absolutely did not expect anything to work this fast! I have taken many other brain supplements, some better than others, most ineffective . This is by far the best one I have experienced with the fastest results, lifting my brain fog and giving me much needed mental clarity. Thank you Barlow Herbal!

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  32. concussion

    Mark Birmingham

    While attending an outdoor festival, a 7-foot long 4-inch diameter branch fell from a tree, striking me on the top of the head. After the E.R. doctors used 6 staples to reattach my scalp, I was released without any medical instruction, bandaging, or pain medicine. I was told to go see my primary physician. I don’t have one as I have relied on herbal medicine for the past 40-years. I saw a D.O. who told me I had all the symptoms of a moderate concussion, including a bad case of “brain fog.” He told me concussions only come in Mild and Severe, saying you will recover from this Mild on in 2-weeks, 2-months, and at most 1-year. But only sometimes do you recover from Severe concussions (think NFL players). I obtained a copy of the Barlow Herbal catalog from my sister, and immediately ordered Brainglow, and after just a few days the “fog” began to clear. By the end of the bottle my concussion seemed to have almost disappeared. I did not take any traditional medicine, not even over-the-counter Ibuprofen. Brainglow really worked for me. I am back doing mental math calculations faster than my friends and fellow workers can get answers on their calculators. Thanks Barlow.

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  33. The Amazing

    Joni Siegel

    I have been consistently taking Brain Glow, Clean Fat Loss and Endurance or a month. The combination has been more than noticeable and I am so pleased with the results. I have a very stressful job and these three herbal combinations have helped me stay calm, focused and able process and organize my work load. Normally, during these stressful times all I want to do is EAT, EAT, EAT! This has not happened the last month and I am so grateful I don’t deal with worrying about gaining weight as well. I love that I am taking care of my brain and body through supplements that have no side effects and will promote long term health. Thank you Barlow Herbal!

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  34. Amazing


    Brainglow has made a tremendous impact on my daily life. It keeps my mind sharp and focused, no more brainfog!

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  35. Feeling sharp


    This is something I will never stop taking. I can tell I’m thinking more clearly now.

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  36. Bye-bye cobwebs

    Terri Ericson

    When I first started taking BrainGlow I noticed immediately that my brain felt like it was defogging. BrainGlow is a “must have” for me.

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  37. Great Brain Health Product

    Verona Park

    Brain is your biggest asset. You want to keep it sharp abd healthy. BrainGlow is the best for this task. I just finished my first bottle and will be ordering more. Great product. Highly recommend!

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  38. FOCUS!!!

    Steph D.

    I started taking BRAINGLOW about 6 months ago and love it!! It doesn’t make me jittery, it just helps me buckle down and work! Highly recommend!! Research also shows that the herbs/roots in BRAINGLOW will help me long term in keeping my brain healthy AND disease free!

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  39. FOCUS!!!

    Steph D. (verified owner)

    We started taking BRAINGLOW about 6 months ago and love it!! It doesn’t make me jittery, it just helps me buckle down and work! Highly recommend!! Research also shows that the herbs/roots in BRAINGLOW will help me long term in keeping my brain healthy AND disease free!

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