Meet Our Team

Jane Barlow-Christensen

Owner, Master Herbalist, Chief Visionary Officer

Jane grew up with herbs throughout her entire life. She learned her father’s trade and gained knowledge working side by side with him in the field. From learning the precise harvesting seasons for each herb type to the specific ways to dry, process, and create potent concentrated extracts, jane truly understands how to capture the strength from the earth.

Jane’s passion for the beauty industry, coupled with her Master Herbalist knowledge, provides a unique edge when creating very specialized health & beauty products. She spends years researching and carefully formulating healthy products she uses and endorses.

“I personally guarantee our herbal extracts are made with the purest ingredients. It brings me great joy to pass on the traditions of my family and release the formulas that my father and I have developed to the public.”- Jane Barlow

Glena Christensen

Customer Service Manager

Although Glena manages our customer service experience, she has many responsibilities at Barlow Herbal. Everything from production and inventory to processing, packing orders, and working directly with customers.

Glena happily admits that she is slightly obsessed with the natural world and taking charge of her health which started in childhood. Her journey eventually led her to meet Jane in 2004, when she began with Barlow Herbal. Glena uses the knowledge she has gained through her tenure, along with her BA in Psychology and thirst for holistic education, to drive the growth of Barlow Herbal.

Glena, and her husband Scott, another team member, are raising the next generation of the Barlow Herbal team.

“When I’m not at work or with my family, you can find me working out, reading, playing soccer, walking my dogs, or playing outside. Hike anyone?” – Glena Christensen

Scott Christensen

Customer Service and Relations

Barlow Herbal is a family-owned and operated company, with many lifelong team members, like Scott. Although he has been with us since birth, Scott’s official start date was 2020. The customer experience is crucial, and we approach it the same way we create our natural healing products, individualistically with love. Scott sees that we take ample time with each client to ensure they have the information and education they need to make the best choice possible for their health.

Scott and his wife, Glena, who also works with Barlow Herbal, are raising the next generation of the team.

“Let’s take the time and focus to do it right!” – Scott Christensen

Melia Coleman

Branding and Design

Melia started with Barlow Herbal in 2020 and immediately resonated with the values, mission and message of the company. She transitioned from social media into branding and design. Melia has always had a solid connection to nature, herbal medicines, and natural wellness.

Melia is proud to be part of our team and grateful that she gets to work within a company whose core mission is to spread love and help empower people to take charge of their wellness.

Alexa Coleman

Customer Service and Relations

Alexa is our client-facing team member who works closely with our customers on placing and fulfilling orders. A native of Utah, Alexa has always been drawn to the outdoors and lives in harmony with nature. She is an avid hiker who practices yoga daily and loves traveling. Alexa was drawn to Barlow Herbal because our core values and mission to do everything with love resonated strongly with her.

“Barlow Herbal is a fantastic environment that empowers and inspires me to take responsibility for my health and trust the intelligence of nature.” – Alexa Coleman